Health Benefits of Tai Chi
Tai Chi Chuan is a traditional Chinese health exercise that develops strength, relaxation, and vitality. Gentle enough for everyone to practice - whether young or old - it is a deep enough to satisfy the most profound study. It is said that whoever practices Tai Chi twice a day will gain the pliability of a child, the strength of a lumberjack, and the mind of a sage.

Tai Chi has many health benefits from the Western point of view, including the following:
- increases circulation of vital energy (ch’i)
- strengthens the legs
- improves balance and stability
- relaxes the entire body
- reduces stress
- relaxes and deepens the breathing
- improves posture
- focuses the mind, improving concentration
If you're ready to experience the Tai Chi health benefits yourself right here in Arlington, V.A., please join us for a class, or contact us to find out more.
Copyright 2018 by The School of Tai Chi Chuan of Metropolitan Washington, Inc.
Copyright 2018 by The School of Tai Chi Chuan of Metropolitan Washington, Inc.